Research Briefing Summary and Thank Yous
A summary of our research findings and impact
CIE-MAP’s response to the key challenges
Recognising the key challenges for industry, CIE-MAP has considered the options to reduce industrial energy demand through further improvements in efficiency while also exploring the role of changing consumption patterns of materials and products. Material and product demand drives industrial emissions. Therefore, as well as a sector level analysis of UK Industry, CIE-MAP has undertaken a detailed assessment of resource productivity strategies from the re-design of products through to the sharing economy.
Many of these strategies could have significant consequences for the general public and UK PLC. With this in mind, CIE-MAP has conducted research on the willingness of the public to engage in resource efficiency measures (considering their response to reducing packaging and increasing product reparability and longevity, for example).
CIE-MAP identifies a clear role for UK Government in bringing about these changes. This is one of the reasons why CIE-MAP has formed a long-standing relationship with the UK Government. Our engagement with BEIS and DEFRA has involved updating their Energy and Emissions Projection model, providing analysis for the Industrial Roadmaps and Action Plans, and developing new indicators on resource and energy productivity. CIE-MAP researchers have informed the Minister of Industry and Climate Change and we are now directly shaping the UK Government’s strategy for increasing energy and resource productivity; feeding into both the Industrial Strategy and the Waste and Resources Strategy.