November 2019
Jagdeep Singh, Kyungeun Sung, Tim Cooper, Katherine West, and Oksana Mount; Challenges and opportunities for scaling up upcycling businesses – The case of textile and wood upcycling businesses in the UK in Resources, Conservation and Recycling
August 2019
L. Harmer, Tim Cooper, T. Fisher, Giuseppe Salvia, and C. Barr; Design, Dirt and Disposal: Influences on the maintenance of vacuum cleaners in Journal of Cleaner Production
July 2019
Kyungeun Sung, Tim Cooper, and Sarah Kettley; Developing Interventions for Scaling Up UK Upcycling in Energies
Jagdeep Singh, Tim Cooper, Christine Cole, Alex Gnanapragasam, and Matthew Shapley; Evaluating approaches to resource management in consumer product sectors – An overview of global practices in Journal of Cleaner Production
March 2019
Christine Cole, Alex Gnanapragasam, Tim Cooper, and Jagdeep Singh; An assessment of achievements of the WEEE Directive in promoting movement up the waste hierarchy: experiences in the UK in Waste Management
February 2019
Kyungeun Sung and Tim Cooper; Factors Influencing Upcycling for UK Makers in Sustainability
October 2018
Catherine Cherry, Kate Scott, John Barrett, and Nick Pidgeon; Public acceptance of resource-efficiency strategies to mitigate climate change in Nature Climate Change
September 2018
Catherine Cherry and Nick Pidgeon; Is sharing the solution? Exploring public acceptability of the sharing economy in Journal of Cleaner Production
August 2018
Geoff Hammond; A comparative thermodynamic evaluation of bioethanol processing from wheat straw in Applied Energy
July 2018
Catherine Cherry and Nick Pidgeon; Why is Ownership an Issue? Exploring Factors That Determine Public Acceptance of Product Service Systems in Sustainability
May 2018
John Barrett, Tim Cooper, Geoff Hammond and Nick Pidgeon, Industrial energy, materials and products: UK decarbonisation challenges and opportunities in Applied Thermal Engineering
Samuel Cooper and Geoff Hammond; ‘Decarbonising’ UK industry: towards a cleaner economy in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Energy
April 2018
Jannik Giesekam, Aligning carbon targets for construction with (inter)national climate change mitigation commitments in Energy and Buildings
February 2018
Geoff Hammond and Jonathan Norman; Industrial decarbonisation of the pulp and paper sector: A UK Perspective in Applied Thermal Engineering
January 2018
Anne Owen, Kate Scott, and John Barrett; Identifying critical supply chains and final products: An input-output approach to exploring the energy-water-food nexus in Applied Energy
December 2017
Samuel Cooper and Jonathan Norman; An empirical assessment of sector level exergy analysis in Energy Procedia
October 2017
Jonathan Norman; Measuring improvements in industrial energy efficiency: A decomposition analysis applied to the UK in Energy
September 2017
Samuel Cooper, Jannik Giesekam, Geoff Hammond, Jonathan Norman, Anne Owen, and John Rodgers; Thermodynamic insights and assessment of the ‘circular economy’ in Journal of Cleaner Production
Ana Mestre and Tim Cooper; Circular Product Design. A Multiple Loops Life Cycle Design Approach for the Circular Economy in The Design Journal
August 2017
Geoff Hammond; Thermodynamic analysis of bioethanol production from wheat straw in Energy Procedia
Geoff Hammond; Industrial energy use and carbon emissions reduction in the chemicals sector: A UK perspective in Applied Energy
Tim Cooper; A conceptual framework for negotiating public involvement in municipal waste management decision-making in the UK in Waste Management
July 2017
Geoff Hammond; Environmental and resource burdens associated with an urban community and its surrounding bioregion in Energy Procedia
Jannik Giesekam; Briefing: Embodied carbon dioxide assessment in buildings: guidance and gaps in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Engineering Sustainability
Kate Scott, Katy Roelich, Anne Owen, and John Barrett; Extending European energy efficiency standards to include material use: an analysis in Climate Policy
Marco Sakai, Anne Owen, and John Barrett; The UK’s Emissions and Employment Footprints: Exploring the Trade-Offs in Sustainability
John Barrett; The rationale for energy efficiency policy: Assessing the recognition of the multiple benefits of energy efficiency retrofit policy in Energy Policy
March 2017
Anne Owen, Paul Brockway, Marco Sakai and John Barrett; Energy consumption-based accounts: A comparison of results using difference energy extension vectors in Applied Energy
February 2017
Paul Brockway, Anne Owen, and John Barrett; Energy-Extended CES Aggregate Production: Current Aspects of Their Specification and Econometric Estimation in Energies
Kate Scott and John Barrett; Uncovering blind spots in urban carbon management: the role of consumption-based accounting in Bristol, UK in Regional Environmental Change
January 2017
Geoff Hammond; The thermodynamic implications of electricity end-use for heat and power in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy
Geoff Hammond and Jonathan Norman; Industrial energy use and carbon emissions reduction: a UK perspective in WIREs Energy and Environment
Catherine Cherry and Nick Pidgeon; Homes as machines: Exploring expert and public imaginaries of low carbon housing futures in the United Kingdom in Energy Research and Social Science
Paul Brockway and John Barrett; Energy Rebound as a Potential Threat to a Low-Carbon Future: Findings from a New Exergy-Based National-Level Rebound Approach in Energies
December 2016
Kyungeun Sung and Tim Cooper; Individual Upcycling in the UK: Insights for Scaling up Towards Sustainable Development in W.L. Filho (Ed.), Sustainable Development Research at Universities in the United Kingdom
November 2016
Marco Sakai, Kate Scott & John Barrett; Consumption-based accounting: Does it have a future? in WIREs Climate Change
August 2016
Jannik Giesekam and John Barrett; Scenario analysis of embodies greenhouse gas emissions in UK construction in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers
May 2016
Geoff Hammond and Jonathan Norman; Industrial energy use and carbon emissions reduction: a UK perspective in WIREs Energy & Environment
Anne Owen; A multi-method approach for analysing the potential employment impacts of material efficiency in Resources, Conservation & Recycling
Marco Sakai & John Barrett; Border carbon adjustments: Addressing emissions embodied in trade in Energy Policy
Kate Scott; Bridging the gap between energy and the environment in Energy Policy
February 2016
Kate Scott & John Barrett; National climate policy implications of mitigating embodied energy system emissions in Climatic Change
Geoff Hammond & Jonathan Norman; Energy Efficiency Potentials: Contrasting thermodynamic, technical and economic limits for organic Rankine cycles within UK industry in Applied Energy
Anne Owen & John Barrett; Explaining value chain differences in MRIO databases through structural path decomposition in Economic Systems Research
Geoff Hammond & Jonathan Norman; Potential for use of heat rejected from industry in district heating networks – GB Perspective in Journal of the Energy Institute
January 2016
Jonathan Norman; The influence of UK emissions reduction targets on the emissions of the global steel industry in Resources, Conservation, and Recycling
Kate Scott & John Barrett; Indirect CO2 Emission Implications of Energy System Pathways: Linking IO and TIMES Models for the UK in Environmental Science and Technology
December 2015
Kate Scott & John Barrett; Global impacts of energy demand on the freshwater resources of nations in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
November 2015
Anne Owen; Evaluating the Use of a Carbon Footprint Calculator: Communicating Impacts of Consumption at Household Level and Exploring Mitigation Options in Journal of Industrial Ecology
October 2015
John Barrett; The Concept of City Carbon Maps: A Case Study of Melbourne, Australia in Journal of Industrial Ecology
Jannik Giesekam & John Barrett; Construction sector views on low carbon building materials in Building Research and Information
Kyungeun Sung; Appropriate Technology; Renewable Resources; Source Reduction; and Waste in C. Edwards (Eds.), Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design (London: Bloomsbury Academic)
Kate Scott & John Barrett; An integration of net imported emissions into climate change targets in Environmental Science and Policy 52 (2015)
September 2015
John Rodgers, Naomi Braithwaite & Alex Rodrigues; Product longevity and shared ownership: sustainable routes to satisfying the world’s growing demand for goods in AIMS Energy
Christina Demski & Nick Pidgeon; Public values for energy system change in Global Environmental Change 34 (2015)
August 2015
Alexandre Rodrigues; Here’s how we can save the car and the planet at the same time in The Conversation
July 2015
Heinz Schandl, Steve Hatfield-Dodds, Thomas Wiedman, Arne Geschke, Yiyong Cai, James West, David Newth, Tim Baynes, Manfred Lenzen, and Anne Owen; Decoupling global environmental pressure and economic growth: scenarios for energy use, materials use and carbon emissions in Journal of Cleaner Production (2015)
June 2015
Anne Owen; Decoupling global environmental pressure and economic growth: scenarios for energy use, materials use and carbon emissions in Journal of Cleaner Production
Hannah E Daly, Kate Scott, Neil Strachan, and John R. Barrett; The indirect CO2 emission implications of energy system pathways: Linking IO and TIMES models for the UK in Environmental Science and Technology
March 2015
Kyungeun Sung and Tim Cooper; Sarah Turner–Eco-artist and designer through craft-based upcycling in Craft Research, 6(1)
Alexandre Rodrigues; Expert opinion: Headwinds for the electric car industry, NTU Website
February 2015
Rogers, J., Cooper, S., Densley Tingley, D., Cooper, S., Brathwaite, N., Moreno, M., Rodrigues, A. and Salvia, G., 2015. Product Renovation and shared ownership : Sustainable routes to satisfying the World’s growing demand for goods in Global Conference on Energy and Sustainable Development 2015.
Giesekam J; Barrett J; Owen A; Taylor P (2015) The greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation options for materials used in UK construction, Energy and Buildings, 78, pp.202-214.
Hammond, G.P.; Progress in energy demand reduction – From here to 2050 (Editorial) in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Energy, 167 (3) pp. 89-102
Griffin, P.W., Hammond, G.P. and Norman, J.B.; Prospects for emissions reduction in the UK cement sector. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Energy, 167 (3) pp. 152-161
Nick Pidgeon and Christina Demski; Creating a national citizen engagement process for energy policy in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2014)