October 2018
Sam Cooper, Geoff Hammond, and Jonathan Norman – Energy saving potential of high temperature heat pumps in the UK Food and Drink sector. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Sustainable Energy and Resource Use in Food Chains (ICSEF 2018), Paphos, Cyprus, 17-19 October 2018.
September 2018
Kat Steentjes, Catherine Cherry, and Nick Pidgeon – Public perceptions of resource efficiency strategies to realize low carbon futures. Tyndall Assembly, Norwich, 12 September 2018
Kat Steentjes, Catherine Cherry, and Nick Pidgeon – Towards a more environmentally sustainable society: Public perceptions of strategies to realize low carbon futures. 5th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency. Zurich, Switzerland, 7 September 2018
July 2018
Kat Steentjes, Catherine Cherry, and Nick Pidgeon – Towards a more environmentally sustainable society: Public perceptions of strategies to realize low carbon futures. International Association People-Environment Studies. Rome, Italy, 9 July 2018
May 2018
Alex Gnanapragasam and Christine Cole – CLOSING THE LOOP : INSIGHTS INTO THE ROLE OF PARTNERSHIPS IN FACILITATING REUSE IN THE UK at 4th Symposium on Urban Mining and Circular Economy (SUM2018) Bergamo Italy
Alex Gnanapragasam, Christine Cole, Jagdeep Singh, and Tim Cooper – consumer perspectives on longevity and reliability: a national study of purchasing factors across eighteen product categories at 25th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) Conference, 30 April – 2 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
Christine Cole, Alex Gnanapragasam, Jagdeep Singh, and Tim Cooper – Enhancing reuse and resource recovery of electrical and electronic material with reverse logistics to meet carbon reduction targets at 25th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) Conference, 30 April – 2 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark
December 2017
Lukas Hardt, John Barrett, Paul Brockway, and Anne Owen – Outsourcing or efficiency? Investigating the decline in final energy consumption in the UK productive sectors
November 2017
Suzana Matoh, Katy Roelich, and Sally Russell – Decision-making and business model innovation for sustainability at Resource Recovery from Waste Annual Conference on 22nd November 2017, Leeds, UK
Kyungeun Sung, Tim Cooper, and Jagdeep Singh – Challenges and support for scaling up upcycling businesses in the UK: Insights from small-business entrepreneurs at Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) 2017 Conference (Delft, Netherlands)
Catherine Cherry and Nick Pidgeon – Is ownership the issue? The role of responsibility in determining public acceptance of product service systems at Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) 2017 Conference (Delft, Netherlands)
October 2017
18th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production Towards a Greener Challenge & Evolution in the Framework of the Circular Economy, Skiathos Island, 1-5 October:
Ana Mestre and Tim Cooper – Material efficiency in circular product design: Critical trade-offs
Tim Cooper – Clothing that lasts: Developing and testing garments for longevity
Kyungeun Sung, Tim Cooper and Jagdeep Singh – Multi-stakeholder perspectives on the challenges and success factors for scaling up upcycling businesses in fashion industry in the UK (part of special session by C. M. Joyner Armstrong, “Catalysts for sustainable clothing consumption: New value propositions for over consumers”)
September 2017
Kat Steentjes, Catherine Cherry, and Nick Pidgeon – Achieving transitions in UK energy and material use: Public deliberation of a low material future at International Conference on Environmental Psychology, 30th August- 1st September 2017, A Coruna, Spain
August 2017
Sam Cooper, Geoff Hammond, and Jonathan Norman – An empirical assessment of sector level exergy analysis at 9th International Conference on Applied Energy
June 2017
John Barrett, Tim Cooper, Geoff Hammond, and Nick Pidgeon – Industrial energy demand and carbon emissions reduction in the UK: Challenges, insights and opportunities at Proc. 4th Sustainable Thermal Energy Management (SusTEM2017) International Conference, Alkmaar, The Netherlands, 28-30 June, 206-218.
Jonathan Norman – Energy versus exergy: An empirical analysis of thermodynamic metrics at the macro scale at 2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISST. 25th-29th June 2017, Chicago, USA.
Jonathan Norman and Sam Cooper – What determines passenger car lifetimes? Insights from individual vehicle records at 2017 Joint Conference ISIE and ISST. 25th-29th June 2017, Chicago, USA.
Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production and Consumption, University of Sussex, 27-29 June
John Barrett – Lifestyles and energy demand
Catherine Cherry and Nick Pidgeon – Moving towards a circular economy: Public deliberations of a low material future
Samuel Cooper – Scope for the circular economy to affect greenhouse gas emissions and employment embodied in trade
Ana Mestre and Tim cooper – Circular product design
Anne Owen – Effects of demographic change on energy demand
Alex Rodrigues and Tim Cooper – Deciding between car sharing or car purchase
Kate Scott – The role of material productivity to meeting climate targets
Kyungeun Sung and Tim Cooper – Upcycling as the circular economy in practice
Alex Gnanapragasam and Christine Cole – Waste and Resource Management (WaRM) Conference 2017 at The Open University, Milton Keynes – Attended event to present paper on community repair and build networks with waste and resource management academics
Suzana Matoh, Katy Roelich, and Sally Russell – Linking business decision-making with business model innovation for material efficiency at 29th May – 3rd June 2017 in Zurich & Appenzell, Switzerland ETH Academy on Sustainability and Technology
April 2017
Christine Cole, Alex Gnanapragasam, and Tim Cooper; Towards a circular economy: exploring routes to reuse for discarded electrical and electronic equipment at CIRP LCE conference, Kamakura, March 2017.
Jagdeep Singh and Tim Cooper; Towards a sustainable business model for plastic shopping management in Swededn at CIRP LCE conference, Kamakura, March 2017.
Catherine Cherry and Nick Pidgeon – Achieving transitions in UK energy and materials use: Public deliberations of a low material future at Energy Research and Social Science, 3-5th April 2017, Barcelona.
March 2017
Christine Cole, Alex Gnanapragasam, and Tim Cooper; A role for reuse in increasing product lifetimes:a case study approach exploring different reuse pathways
February 2017
Jannik Giesekam; ASBP Healthy Buildings Conference & Expo, University College London, 15 February
Healthy planet: a resource efficient future
November 2016
Jannik Giesekam; CIRIA event on ‘Innovative paths to low carbon infrastructure, 30 November
Barriers to low carbon innovation
Alex Rodrigues and Tim Cooper; Sustainable Innovation Conference, University for the Creative Arts, Epsom, Surrey, 7-8 November
Systemic Barriers to Upscaling Car Sharing in the UK
Jannik Giesekam;Construction Climate Challenge seminar on ‘Reducing carbon in infrastructure construction’, hosted at Institute of Engineering and Technology in Birmingham, 10 November
Where is the carbon in construction?
October 2016
Geoff Hammond and Jonathan Norman; 8th International Conference on Applied Energy – Beijing, PRC, 8-11 October
Opportunities for energy demand and carbon emissions reduction in the chemicals sector
September 2016
Tim Cooper, Christine Cole, and Alex Gnanapragasam; International Society for Industrial Ecology Joint 12th Socio-Economic Metabolism Section Conference, Nagoya, Japan, 28-30 September
Christine Cole and Tim Cooper; Electronics goes green 2016+, Berlin, 7-9 September
Extending product lifetimes through WEEE reuse and repair: Opportunities and Challenges
Consumers’ expectations for product lifetimes of consumer durables
Tim Cooper; British Academy of Management Conference, Newcastle, 6-8 September
The impact of consumer attitudes on sustainable product development strategies: The case of clothing longevity
Jonathan Norman; 11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environmental Systems (SDEWES), Lisbon, Portugal. 5-8 September
Measuring improvement in industrial energy efficiency: a decomposition analysis applied to the UK
July 2016
Anne Owen: 24th International Input-Output (IIOA) Conference, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, 4-8 July 2016
June 2016
Kyungeun Sung and Tim Cooper; 2016 Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference, Brighton, UK
The effect of consumer attitudes on design for product longevity: The case of the fashion industry
May 2016
Christine Cole; SUM2016: Symposium on Urban Mining and Circular Economy, Bergamo, Italy, 23-25 May
Consumer decisions determining reuse and product lifetimes
Sally Russell and Suzana Matoh; GRONEN Conference 2016, Hamburg, Germany, 25-27 May
Kyungeun Sung and Tim Cooper; 1st Conference on Management and Environmental Sustainability, Leicester, 20 May
Action across multiple levels for scaling up sustainable behavior: The case of individual upcycling in the UK
April 2016
Christine Cole and Tim Cooper; British Academy of Management Marketing and Retail SIG Workshop, Guidford, 28 April
Driving reuse: Sustainability and ethics in product life extension
Jannik Giesekam; Advances in Innovative Sustainable Materials, CIRIA Offices London, 5 April
Jannik Giesekam-Drivers and barriers to the adoption of sustainable materials
Kyungeun Sung and Tim Cooper; Symposium on Sustainable Development Research at Universities in the UK, Manchester, 5-6 April
Individual upcycling in the UK: Insights for scaling up towards sustainable development
March 2016
Kyungeun Sung; Upcycling Practitioners Workshop, SOAS, London, 9 March
Upcycling Practitioners Workshop
November 2015
Alex Rodrigues and Tim Cooper; Sustainable Innovation Conference, University for the Creative Arts, Epsom, Surrey, 9-10 November
User-intensive cars; design contributions for more sustainable approaches to personal transportation
Tim Cooper; Sustainable Consumption Conference 2015, Sitges, Spain, 1-4 November
Presenting the Design for Individuals and Practices (DIP) Toolkit
John Rogers; Sustainable Consumption Conference 2015, Sitges, Spain, 1-4 November
The impact of emerging technologies on the whole life carbon footprint of cars and it’s implication for the length of car lifetimes
July 2015
Jonathan Norman; The ISIE Conference 2015 – Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology. University of Surrey, Guildford, England
Connecting material stocks to services: The example of steel use in UK vehicles
Options to supply the UK steel demand and meet the CO2 targets
June 2015
Kyungeun Sung; Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) Conference, Nottingham Trent University, England
Alexandre Rodrigues; Product Lifetimes And The Environment (PLATE) Conference, Nottingham Trent University, England
Driving In The Wrong Lane: towards a longer lifespan for cars
Kate Scott; The 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, University of Leeds, England
Integrating resource efficiency into climate mitigation policy in the EU
Anne Owen; The 23rd International Input-Output Association Conference, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Structural path decomposition analysis and its use in comparing multiregional input-output databases
April 2015
Kyungeun Sung; ICECESS 2015 : 17th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Venice, Italy
A Review on Upcycling: Current Body of Literature, Knowledge Gaps and a Way Forward
November 2014
Kyungeun Sung; Sustainable Innovation 2014 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark